"Putting color into peoples lives one item at a time"

Mr Jelly Roll, CEO

How it all began 
About Us

Tie dying has always been my favorite obsession.... From day one, when I first made a few tie dyes, I knew that I wanted to work for myself. I wanted to share the positive vibes, designs and colors that Mr Jelly Roll could offer to the Tie Dye world.

I started by making T-shirts for my friends and family. The response I received was more than I believed possible, at first this was almost overwhelming, and turned out to be extremely inspiring.

So I began by vending my Tie Dye T-shirts at car shows, farmers markets, craft fairs, fairgrounds, flea markets, music festivals school carnivals, and events in the community.

To see the attraction on people's faces, and the smiles that the Tie Dyes produced was all the reassurance that I needed. Young, Old, big or small, there isn't a person that tie dye won't make happy and colorful.

The inspiration this gave me was the reward I was looking for. I really could put color into the world and people liked my goods.

This made for my business mission statement "Putting Color in People's Lives One Tie Dye at A Time."

I am a self taught tie dyer, that has listened to family, customers, and friends suggestion's over the years.

I make up my dyes and just let the colors flow. This allows me to place colors on each item threw expression. I then release whatever color I am feeling at the moment. I have always wanted my business to be seen as professional, one that produces quality dyes, that are bright, vibrant, and colorful wash after wash.

What can I say? I am addicted to tie dye and MrJellyRoll and My Jelly Roll Tie Dyes are my passion.


Mr. Jelly Roll has a deep passion for tie-dyed t-shirts. He loves the way the bright colors swirl together to create unique patterns that are just as interesting as they are beautiful. Mr. Jelly Roll has a vast collection of tie-dyed t-shirts, and he wears them whenever he can. He likes the way they make him stand out in a crowd and express his individuality. Mr. Jelly Roll also enjoys making tie-dyed t-shirts himself. He finds the process of creating the patterns and dyeing the shirts to be calming and meditative. He often creates custom shirts for his friends and family, spreading his love of tie-dye to those around him. Mr. Jelly Roll's love for tie-dyed t-shirts is a reflection of his playful and creative spirit.